Wednesday, June 27, 2007


So lately, everyone seems to be making their blogs private. I myself thought about taking my previous blog private, but that would cut out a lot of interesting, random people who come in contact with public blogs. I've met some great peeps by visiting others' blogs - and want people to be able to visit mine freely as well.
However, in saying that, as stated previously I had another blog, but because people I knew personally found it, and were reading it daily I didn't feel comfortable writing as openly and honestly as I would have liked. So, I began this blog in hopes of opening myself up more and in order to discuss issues that are affecting me, or annoying me, that i'm struggling with, or even exciting things that i'm thinking or feeling that I'm just not ready to share with the people in my life.
So here's to being more open and to figuring it all out - without hesitation or regret! Oh - and i'm sure there will be all kinds of randomness too! :)

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